Are you aware that 771 million people around the world do not have access to clean water? 2 billion people do not have access to a decent toilet. This is a global challenge that particularly exposes girls, women and children to great risks. We want to change that.
As a clothing company, we are part of an industry that requires huge amounts of water in the textile manufacturing process. Being a company active in India, a country facing great challenges around water supply and hygiene, we feel a special responsibility here. The love and respect we have for the people makes us want to help in every way we can.
To us, there is also a gender aspect to the issue. Many women work to produce our clothes in the textile factories and it is essential that we look after their rights and opportunities. We know that girls and women risk physical and sexual harassment when they fetch water, or that they wait until night to “go to the toilet”. Many girls quit school when they get their period because there are no toilets available in school. These are challenges that need to be addressed now.
Global progress starts with clean water. As part of our ‘take action’ strategy, we support WaterAid by donating 10 euros for every garment sold. All funds raised will be used to provide clean water and sanitation for schools in India.
Together we take action. Thank you for supporting clean water and sanitation for schools in India.
Photo: WaterAid/Dhiraj Singh
Photo: WaterAid / Dhiraj Singh
One of the schools in India that has gained access to clean water with the help of WaterAid is Nigan School which is located in a poor area in the capital Delhi. Through WaterAid, new water pipes have been built for the school, and it has also been provided with new and hygienic toilets. WaterAid has installed four stations for hand washing with soap and clean water, to improve children's access to hygiene. In addition, WaterAid has initiated hygiene clubs at the school.
One of the students in the hygiene club is 8-year-old Ranjit, who talks about how the clean water and the improved hygiene have ensured that he does not get sick as often:
“In the past, we did not wash our hands so often. Many people used to have a stomach ache, and I myself became so ill once that my parents needed to take me to the doctor. The doctor also told me I had to wash my hands.”
Clean water, toilets and hygiene keep children healthy and allow them to go to school and realize their dreams. That is why KnowledgeCotton Apparel is proud to support WaterAid, which every year ensures that hundreds of thousands of children receive clean water, toilets and hygiene at school.
| Water is Life |
KnowledgeCotton Apparel will donate 10 euros for every WaterAid collab garment sold. All funds raised go to provide clean water and sanitation for schools in India.
Layering innovative materials adds a sense of luxury to the outdoor-style garments, creating products that mix function and leisure
Discover timeless designs centered around home living, togetherness, and sustainability. We call it the Slow Wear movement – slowness and tranquility in a hyper-functioning world. A serious attempt to take control of the time, appreciating the importance of slowing down and to embrace the great outdoors as a means of escapism, rest, and mindfulness. It’s a tribute to the Scandinavian concept of ’Friluftsliv’. About embracing outdoor living, whether it be a simple stroll in the woods or dining outside, even in winter.
In product terms, this can mean anything from blanket capes for fresco dining to base layers and cozy knitwear. It is all about a modular, layered wardrobe with practicality and functionality at its core, elevated by fun and fashion led prints and colors.
The focus is on creating solutions for any type of occasion. Creating hybrid styles for extra value, merging functional references with classic staples to work for any occasion. Color is a key differentiator to energize core shapes and drive newness.
Cozy comfort co-ords sets, easy loungewear.
| Slow Wear |
Timeless designs centered around home living, togetherness, and sustainability. A serious attempt to take control of the time, appreciating the importance of slowing down.
| Rerooted Nature |
It is all about a modular, layered wardrobe with practicality and functionality at its core, elevated by fun and fashion led prints and colors.
All our garments are produced by certified manufacturing partners using responsible methods and materials.
| Slow Wear |
Cozy comfort co-ords sets, easy loungewear. Creating solutions for any type of occasion.
We design and develop for a new tomorrow. Determined to be one of the game changers – we take action by sustainable innovation.